If you would like to own and operate a non-highway and low-speed vehicle in the village the following form must be completed.
If you would like to own and operate a non-highway and low-speed vehicle in the village the following form must be completed.
You can also download the form here.
I understand the Non-Highway and Low-Speed Vehicles are a privilege and not a right and by signing below I acknowledge and agree to abide by the following rules and regulations.
- That I am at least 16 years of age.
- Must have a valid driver’s license.
- That I will not operate or permit anyone to operate my vehicle in a reckless, careless, or dangerous manner, and agree to indemnity and hold harmless the Village Of Walnut, agents, and employees from any and all injuries, personal and property, resulting therefore.
- That I will not operate nor permit anyone to operate my vehicle faster than the 25mph speed limit.
- That the registration sticker must be visible at all times.
- That I must follow all traffic laws and traffic signs.
- All 4-wheelers are limited to 2 riders (front & back).
- All vehicles must have a head light and tail/brake light.
Breaking any of the above rules will be grounds for my Non-Highway and Low-Speed vehicle to receive a citation.